Speakers’Space • September 5, 2024

Community Poem

~from the prompt

If I were in charge

I would…

If i was in charge, I

would not be in charge.

I would ask the neighborhood cats

and kittens, dogs and pups to escort me around the block. I would listen to

the trees’ wisdom and include the

recommendations of stars around night, 

taking my steps from the slant of the sun’s rays. Dirt under my feet and

wind in my hair I would determine

the paths to peace for all.

If I were in control I would stop

shaking, and find my focus.

If I was in charge 

I’d have every person know:

your impermanence is filled 

with music and flavor. 

So what the hell

are you DOING?

If I were in charge, would

make every possible economic and technological offer to the leaders

of the current destructive conflicts

- in return for their establishing borders to live with… and I would

make every possible economic and

technological offer to the countries

who will help to send food and doctors and medicine and builders and

to rebuild homes and schools and artisans, businesses with those 

who are living in the destruction…

and this could become an international Builders for Peace, opportunity for the young people around the world…

If I were in charge, I’d step down

and let someone younger, faster,

and smarter take over.

If I were in control, I’d make Gore fight the election result, I’d make the Senate believe Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford, I’d make Obama refrain from making insulting jokes about Trump, and make him

appoint Merrick Garland to SCOTUS, and I’d make DNC nominate Bernie Sanders, and I’d make RBG retire when she should have,

and I’d make Al Franken take the heat

but keep the seat.

If I were in control, I’d bring Shirley Chisolm and Ann Richards back

from the dead, change the presidency to a triumvirate, add Stacey Abrams

and let the three of them run the show.

If i were in control i would start a new kind of newspaper called "The Good News"!

If I were in charge, I would shoo the cancer from over her lungs like the wind does a rain cloud, and she wouldn't see heaven for another 20 years. 

If I were in charge, "fire season"

would reference a pizza place.

If I were in charge I would bring the spinning race to a stop at the top topple and drop the notes that bring a smile

to everyones face.

I I were in charge I would

try to remember what it was

I wanted to do today.

If I were in control, I would prioritize the well-being of every individual,

ensuring access to basic necessities like food, shelter, healthcare, and education, 

and foster a world where everyone feels safe, valued, and empowered to reach their full potential.

If I were in control

I wouldn't have to

think about it.

If I were in control I would

ask for the wisdom to lead

but not repress, to inspire

but not depress.

If I were in control, I would help build a world without conflict or toil, where life is precious no matter what happens or who is in charge. I would strive 

to do this without being noticed or seen.

Speakers’Space • September 1, 2022

Community Poem

~from the prompt

If I were in charge

I would…

If I were in charge everyone would

spend more time with Sam, every lap

would have a cat, and we’d all live like

no one is watching. If I were in charge

I would give myself a candied ham.

I would fill the trees outside with peach-

faced love birds, (a pair in every branch)

and I’d sit in the shade

under the trees and eat a hard-salami

sandwich with honey mustard and a whole bunch

of lettuce. I would listen carefully

to what the birds are saying.

Life is too short to look back!

Live for today, think only about tomorrow.

Give a favor a day to others.

If I were in charge I would live like a

rockstar, I would make high school dances

more fun, and let middle schoolers have

more freedom. I would add more music places,

and bars for nightlife, make it more

lively at night. I would make everyone

less worried about their troubles.

If I were in charge I would

fix everything. I would make dogs live forever

and make every pillow cold when you sleep.

I would make college affordable, and make

healthcare affordable, and make housing 

affordable. I would have billions, cuz’ yes, 

oh, yes, I would save all the mini pigs.

If I were in charge I would

straighten everything out so you could always

go straight and never need to turn but still

see everything there is to see.

If I were in charge I would

turn everything over to the dogs.

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