ALAS / Ayudando Latinos a Soñar
Crafts and Clothing -
Amanda Kersig / Saltwater Society Ceramics
Ceramics - @saltwater._.society
Dawne Hornung / Coastal Dawne
Seashell Art & Jewelry Coastal Artifacts -
Jennifer Clark / Clark By Design
Silk Scarves and More - @clarkbydesign
Jill Quigley / Coastal Seaglass
Original Seaglass Mosaics & Sculptures - jc.quigley.9
Jillian Allison / Moonrise Pottery
Pottery - @moonrise.pottery
Jo Fry / Fierce Siren Studios
Paintings and Jewelry - the_fierce_siren
Joy Moore / Harmonies Salon
Dog Scarves & Bows, Beaded Jewelry, Hair Pieces -
Katherine Irbe / Katnip Designs
Tie Dye Clothing - @katnipdesigns3
Lisa Adasiewicz / Kitchen Witch Designs
Unique, Recycled Eco-friendly Totes - @kitchenwitchdesign
Michelle Alexander / Shell Dance Designs
Hand Crafted Jewelry - @shelldancedesigns
Natalie Downe / Natbat Ceramics
Handmade Ceramics & Jewelry -
Nevio and Mary Andreatta / Audoban Woodworks
Wooden Cutting Boards - audubonwoodworks
Nicole Artale / Roxy's Hat Company
Handmade Hats, Yarn, and Jewelry - @roxyshatcompany
Sibyl Felts / Sib Inks
Alcohol ink paintings, boxes, cards - @sibsinks
Sydney Shives / Waylon West Co
Hand-stamped Bags and Notions - @waylonwest_co
Roberta Gelt
Silver Jewelry with Stone and Beads -